Ali Utkan Şahin

MSc Cybersecurity student at EPFL.

My main research interests include data privacy, applied cryptography and decentralized networks. You can reach me through e-mail.

[-] Education
  • EPFL
    MSc in Computer Science - Cybersecurity
  • Koç University
    BSc in Computer Engineering
[-] Current Projects
  • WARNING: This section is not up to date at this point.
  • Cryptocurrency Manipulation Detection
    Our aim is to detect manipulation attempts on select cryptocurrencies through social media analysis.
[-] Past Projects
  • Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning
    Worked on privacy-preserving federated learning solutions that use homomorphic encryption and secure multiparty computation.
  • Universal Fog Proxy
    Worked on third-party authentication for federated fog services, where a user needs to authenticate itself to a foreign fog service with an authentication server residing at the home fog.
  • Skip-Graph Middleware [Code]
    Collaborated on the implementation of an open-source skip graph middleware with support for concurrent joins.
  • Guard Secure Routing Protocol [Code] [Reference]
  • Identity-Based Threshold Digital Signature Scheme [Code] [Reference]
  • Consensus Simulations On SkipSim [Code]
  • Hypergeometric Distributions Over Skip Lists [Code] [Reference]
  • Gossip Simulator (Contract with Dapper Labs)
[-] Papers
  • Demo: A Proof-of-Concept Implementation of Guard Secure Routing Protocol [Paper]
    Sanaz Taheri, Ali Utkan Şahin, Yahya Hassanzadeh, Öznur Özkasap
    IEEE Symposium on Secure and Reliable Distributed Systems. (September 2020)
  • Demo: Skip Graph Middleware Implementation [Paper]
    Yahya Hassanzadeh, Nazir Nayal, Shadi Hamdan, Ali Utkan Şahin, Öznur Özkasap, Alptekin Küpçü
    IEEE Symposium on Secure and Reliable Distributed Systems. (September 2020)
  • SkipSim: Scalable Skip Graph Simulator [Paper]
    Yahya Hassanzadeh, Ali Utkan Şahin, Öznur Özkasap, Alptekin Küpçü
    IEEE International Conference on Blockchain. (May 2020)